Spin the bottle game G211-KHEBGA42
Kheper Games
Kheper Games, Inc. is proud to release its newest product release: Spin the Bottle. It comeswith side box text and simple instructions in English, German, French and Spanish.A cute and sturdy metal bottle and wooden spinning base. Play as a kissing game, drinkinggame or with dares. The standard kissing version is played by the spinner kissing whoever thebottle points to. As a drinking game, the person the bottle points to takes a drink. As a daregame, the spinner assigns a dare to whomever the bottle points to. For all versions, the person thebottle points to, takes the next turn."In addition to having fun game uses, this easily spun, well-balanced set is also nice enough tobe decorative," explains CEO Brian Pellham. "You can also put it on your desk or display it athome and use it as a fidget toy. Already the few buyers we've shared it with, love it, and can'tstop spinning it at their desks."Kheper Games, Inc. also has an extensive line of party games, including: Extreme PersonalQuestions, Making Bad Situations Worse, The World's Most Ridiculous Drinking Games, thefull family of What the F*ck? games, THC, Potheads Against Sanity, and many, many more.